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Author Guidelines

Note: The title “International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing (IJMLC) ” ( will be changed to International Journal of Machine Learning ( The change is effective since January 1, 2023. 

IJML welcomes author submission of papers concerning any branch of Machine Learning and their applications in business, industry, and other subjects. Please read the Aims and Scope to gain an overview and assess if your manuscript is suitable for this journal.

Manuscript Submission Instructions 

When submitting papers for potential publication in IJML, please submit an original editable word manuscript. All figures, tables, equations, etc., should be embedded into the original file. Detailed instructions on preparing papers for submission can be found in the IJML templateAll co-authors must be included at the time of submission with valid e-mail addresses.

If your submission does not follow the template format, your manuscript may be sent back to you for corrections.

Please read our ethical publication statement: Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement 

Open Journal System Instruction

IJML has adopted the Open Journal System (OJS) with the objective of optimizing the management of the paper reviewing process for the Journal.  Paper submissions will no longer be accepted via Email.  The OJS assists you with every step of the reviewing process. Authors can also check the status of their papers online and referees will receive automated reminders for their reviews. The instruction for using OJS can be found at

Once submitting successfully, you will automatically receive "submission acknowledgment" by email and you will get a manuscript ID for your submission. If you have any questions after submission, e.g., if you would like to modify the metadata (author information, title, keywords. etc.) or upload a new version, you may add a discussion and leave your comments, see screenshot below. Please note that any questions from email may be delayed, please only leave your comments here, and our editor will reply within two days. 


About Article Processing Charge (APC)

IJML charges nominal publication fees to offset expenses associated with the overall journal operations, publishing, and printing, mailing, and shipping, website maintenance, etc. 

The standard article processing charge is 500 USD. Each paid fee is entitled to one published paper, up to 10 pages, including all figures, tables, and references, one printed copy, and online publication on the journal website, additional pages will be charged 50 USD/page. There are no charges for rejected articles.

We will send you an email about APC confirmation, and will only further proceed after your confirmation. 

Payment Method

Please proceed with the payment at the following link  (No handling fees)
Please make sure you have a VISA or Mastered Card Credit Card before clicking this link, and you should also calculate the right amount and pay.
The following information is necessary.

Full Name*:
Event Acronym*: IJML
Event URL*:
Acceptance/Paper ID*: IJML-XX
Paper Title*:

Please tell us your email and order ID after payment.

Types of Publications

The following article types are applied:
• ArticleThe journal considers all original research manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically sound experiments and provides a substantial amount of new information.
• Review: These provide concise and precise updates on the latest progress made in a given area of research.

Data Deposit and Software Source Code

Data Availability

In order to maintain the integrity, transparency, and reproducibility of research records, authors are encouraged to provide a data availability statement about where data supporting the results reported in this study can be found, including, where applicable, hyperlinks to publicly archived datasets, e.g.,

The datasets generated in this study are available in the [NAME] repository, [web link].
The datasets generated in this study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Availability of Computer Code, Software, and Algorithm

Authors should make available any unreported custom computer code, software, or algorithm used to generate results that are reported in the study, authors are encouraged to deposit their source code in a recognized, public repository or upload as supplementary information to the publication. The name and version of all software used should be clearly indicated.

About Paper Review

All published journal papers are refereed by international competent researchers and scientists. Therefore, a full double-blind international refereeing process is used in which:

•  Papers are sent to reviewers for their peer-review process.
• The reviewers' recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted/accepted subject to change/subject to resubmission with significant changes / rejected.

For papers that require changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable.

All papers are refereed, and the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to refuse any typescript, whether on invitation or otherwise, and to make suggestions and/or modifications before publication.

For more details about peer review, please refer to Editorial Process.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has been prepared in accordance with the journal's Instructions for Authors and follows all the journals' policy requirements.
  • No part of the manuscript has been, or will be, published elsewhere nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • All co-authors must be included at the time of submission with valid e-mail addresses.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.