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Author Guidelines

IJESD welcomes author submission of papers concerning any branch of the Environmental Science and Development and their applications in business, industry and other subjects. The subjects covered by the journal include environmental dynamics, global environmental change and ecosystems management, environmental restoration and ecological engineering, environmental sustainability, health and the environment and their applications. Please read the Aims and Scope to gain an overview and assess if your manuscript is suitable for this journal.

Submission Instructions
When submitting papers for potential publication in the IJESD, please submit an original editable file in one of the (.doc, .pdf) style files. All figures, images, tables, etc., should be embedded into the original file. Detailed instructions on preparing papers for submission can be found in the Template Paper. Further information on the scope of the IJESD is also available upon enquiry of prospective authors. Authors accept the terms of Honor Code and Plagiarism Statement for Paper Submission, and that the paper is original research contribution with the references properly cited in the manuscript.
Since we are conducting double blind peer-review, please make sure that all identifying references and personal notes have been removed from the submitted manuscript. Please also upload IJESD Author Information Form together with the manuscript.
Please read our ethical publication statement:  Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Article Processing Charge

IJESD charges nominal publication fee to offset expenses associated with the overall journal operations, publishing and printing, mailing and shipping, website maintenance, etc. Discounts are given to students (student ID number required for verification), and journal reviewers, see details at

Each accepted paper will be charged from 280 to 350 USD for publishing. Each paid publication fee is entitled to one published paper, including one printed copy and online publication on the journal website. Extra printed copy can be purchased for 100 USD, including mailing. There are no charges for rejected articles, no submission charges, and no surcharges based on the length of an article, figures or supplementary data.

Payment Method

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The following information are necessary.

Full Name*:
Event Acronym*: IJESD
Event URL*:
Acceptance/Paper ID*: IJESD-XX
Paper Title*:

Please tell us your email and order ID after payment.

About Paper Review
All published journal papers are refereed by the international competent researchers and scientists. Therefore, a full double - blind international refereeing process is used in which:
Papers are sent to reviewers for their peer review process.
The reviewers' recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted / accepted subject to change / subject to resubmission with significant changes / rejected.
For papers which require changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable.
All papers are refereed, and the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to refuse any typescript, whether on invitation or otherwise, and to make suggestions and/or modifications before publication.
For more details about peer-review, please refer to Editorial Process.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has been prepared in accordance with the journal's Instructions for Authors and follows all the journals' policy requirements.
  • All co-authors must be included at the time of submission with valid e-mail addresses.
  • No part of the manuscript has been, or will be, published elsewhere nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Section - Water and Wastewater Treatment

The section “Water and Wastewater Treatment“ ( is aimed to provide a platform for scientists, managers and engineers to present and discuss the monitoring, characterization, handling, prevention, and reuse of wastewater. The topics include but not limited to:
• water pollution monitoring and control
• wastewater treatment processes
• wastewater treatment technology
• wastewater treatment plants
• water reclamation and reuse
• regulation

Section - Solid Waste Management

The section “Solid waste management” denotes the process of collecting, treating and disposing of solid wastes. Solid waste can be domestic, agricultural or even industrial wastes. It has emerged as one of the greatest global threats to public health and the environment. Inadequate collection, recycling or treatment and uncontrolled disposal of waste in dumps can lead to severe hazards, such as health risks and environmental pollution. “How will solid waste be managed?” is an important question demanding attention all over the world.
Therefore, we call for papers addressing research on exploring solid waste management. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
• Solid waste pollution
• Integrated solid waste management
• Waste management studies
• Waste collection, waste reduction, waste treatment
• The classification of solid waste screening
• Land filling
• Composting and biological treatment
• Energy recovery and thermal treatment
• Flyash management
• Optimization of collection systems
• Utilisation, Recycling and reuse
• Waste valorization
• Leachate treatment
• Management of hazardous solid waste
• Legal, economic, and managerial aspects of solid waste management

Section - Air Pollution and Control

The Section “Air Pollution and Control” (  is aimed to provide a platform for scientists, engineers and public health officials or policy makers to present and discuss the monitoring, characterization, handling, prevention of air pollution. The topics include but not limited to:
• air quality monitoring and management
• air pollution emissions
• indoor air quality control
• air pollution forecasting and modelling
• air pollution measurement
• air pollution climatology
• interaction between pollutants
• air quality, atmosphere & health
• policy and regulation

Selected Papers from Conferences

This section will publish selected papers from conference. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.