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Author Guidelines

Submission Instructions

When submitting papers for potential publication in the IJCTE, please submit an original editable file in one of the (.doc, .pdf) style files. All figures, images, tables, etc., should be embedded into the original file. Detailed instructions on preparing papers for submission can be found in the Template Paper. Further information on the scope of the IJCTE is also available upon inquiry of prospective authors. Authors accept the terms of Honor Code and Plagiarism Statement for Paper Submission, and that the paper is an original research contribution with the references properly cited in the manuscript.

About Paper Review

All published journal papers are refereed by the international competent researchers and scientists. Therefore, a full double - blind international refereeing process is used in which:
Papers are sent to reviewers for their peer review process.
The reviewers' recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted / accepted subject to change / subject to resubmission with significant changes / rejected.

For papers which require changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable.

All papers are refereed, and the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to refuse any typescript, whether on invitation or otherwise, and to make suggestions and/or modifications before publication.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has been prepared in accordance with the journal's Instructions for Authors and follows all the journals' policy requirements.
  • All authors are listed, each author has participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content or part of it, and each author has approved the final version of the manuscript.
  • No part of the manuscript has been, or will be, published elsewhere nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • The submitted paper contains no proprietary material unprotected by patent or patent application.
  • The submitted paper contains no plagiarism/copying and fraudulent data.

Special Issue: Network and Information Security in Cyber Systems (Cybersecurity)

The world nations are already involved during more than the past two decades in disguised cyberwars in the 21st Century after the end of the Cold War a decade prior to the end of the 20th. However, even at a national and local level, the ubiquitous fraudulent practices from technological and currently unresolved complex legalistic viewpoints are not only disturbing but also quite alarming to have harmed and compromised uncountably many unprepared and uninformed end-users, enterprises, and innocent masses in terms of critical security and safety, and financial liabilities. The theoretical and applied advances in tackling and resolving this said colossal problem, and so to say, the-elephant-in-the-room, which is unfortunately and surprisingly progressing faster than the speed of tenable and reliable solutions, is a massive real and existing challenge for scientists and researchers due to lack of field data, absence of international cooperation due to politicization of this common enemy  and hidden privacy issues. For one striking example, In 2018, the United States was the country most severely affected by cybercrime in terms of financial damage: industry experts estimate that the U.S. government faced costs of over 13.7 billion U.S. dollars as a result of cyberattacks. For the fiscal year 2023, the U.S. government proposed 10.89 billion U.S. Dollar budget for cybersecurity to indicate how vehement and alarming the stakes are for national security.
Unpublished articles of internationally acceptable caliber are sought not only for identifying and assessing the risk regarding the problem-at-hand but concurrently for offering optimal and cost-conscious risk management or mitigation solutions feasibly and realistically. Articles of political and strategic content to harm, even inadvertently, individuals, enterprises and/or nations’ safety and cybersecurity interests will not be considered. Fictious and digitally simulated data may be allowed. Any cybersecurity data presented must comply with the IJCTE’s ground rules based on mutual consent from parties involved. This Special Issue is intended to improve scientific and academic/educational  stance to mitigate some of the unprecedented disasters and losses so as  to foster original brainstorming avenues, while the easier and compromised reverse action is to do nothing and expect the ransom-demanding pirates to grant pity on the unprepared silent majority, to cite a current reality. Time is ripe to say “no, thanks” and take notice, and act now.  


Quantitative-Qualitative-Hybrid, Risk Assessment, Cost-Conscious Risk  Management, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Probabilistic and Deterministic Approaches, Cloud and Edge Computing, Cryptology  (Cryptography and Cryptanalysis), Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Neural Networks, Chaos Theory, Hacking and Ransoms, Outer Space Cybersecurity, Telecommunications,  Electrical Energy, Healthcare, Government, Physical and Digital Infrastructure, Agriculture and Food, Banking and Finance,  Hydroelectric, Coal-Powered and Nuclear Power Plants (Fossil), Solar, Wind-Powered (Renewable), Water Resources, National Defense and Industrial Base, Transportation, Internet, IoT,  Net Piracy, Naval (Maritime) and Aviation, Telemetry, Telemedicine, Sensor Systems, and others. 

Selected Papers from Conferences

This section will publish selected papers from conference.

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