General Information

Aims and Scope

JAIT is a scientific open access journal which focuses on empirical research results and critical analysis of technology development, use, management and impacts in information technology. Our aim is to publish experimental and theoretical results in strategy, infrastructure, human resources, system development and implementation, IT risk, IT management, data science, communications, technology development and futures, national policies and standards, software engineering, etc. In particular, we encourage a multidisciplinary/convergent approach based on the following broadly based branches of computer science for the application areas highlighted below:

· Artificial Intelligence
· Machine Learning
· Data Science
· Natural Language Processing
· Cloud Computing
· Internet of Things
· Image Processing
· Information Security
· Networked Control Systems
· Communication Systems Technologies
· Digital Signal Processing in Communications
· Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Reasoning
· Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
· Software Engineering
· Non-technical but relevant topics such as Information Policy, Ethics and Legal issues as appropriate.